One of the most crucial pieces of safety equipment in a commercial building is a fire extinguisher. Fire extinguisher plays an important role in preventing fire. It is used in small fire ignitions. It is important to note that the initial phase of a raging fire is a small ignition that can be tamed on time with the help of a fire extinguisher.
Most offices and workplaces suffer from fire incidents, and they cannot be ignored. It is not only a smart move to keep a fire extinguisher in your office, but it has also been legalized in many countries by their government.
Before deciding to keep a fire extinguisher in the office, it is important to understand that it comes in many types and classes. It is also essential to decide the spot where the fire extinguisher is going to be located at.
Types and classes of Fire Extinguishers
Fire Extinguisher Types are divided into four parts – A, B, C and D and each type of fire extinguisher has the capability to put down different types of fire.
Class A Fire Extinguisher.
This type of fire extinguisher will put out simple fires such as wood, rubber, cloth, paper and plastic materials as well.
Class B Fire Extinguisher
Class B fire extinguishers are used on flammable liquids such as solvents, gasoline, lacquers, oils, alcohols, and other such substances.
Class C Fire Extinguisher
This type of fire extinguisher is most suitable and recommended for fires ignited only by electrically organized equipment
Class D Fire Extinguisher
These types of fire extinguishers are meant to put down fires ignited by metallic substances such as sodium and potassium.
How to buy the right fire extinguisher?
Since fire extinguishers are divided into multiple types, it is important to know which kind of fire would be the best for your office space. Choose a type of fire extinguisher that is easy to operate and suitable for the atmosphere of the office.
Workplaces are mostly prone to fire-related to electricity and wood, hence Class A and C fire extinguishers can be best suitable for the workplace.
What to look for in a fire extinguisher?
The right way to do Fire Extinguisher Classifications is to find a unit that is easy to pick up and carry. A heavy fire extinguisher may cause you difficulty while using it, hence one must choose an extinguisher that is easy to lift and will help fight the fire effectively.
Do fire extinguishers have an expiry date?
Fire extinguishers are different in expiry compared to any other thing such as food and medicine. Yet, fire extinguishers can lose their pressure and may lose their effectiveness if not used. Hence it is important to keep a check on the pressure levels of a fire extinguisher so that it is usable when in need of emergency.
In conclusion.
There are many different types of fire extinguishers that are used to put down fires in several circumstances. Early detection, recognition, and vigilance during an event of a fire can help in putting the fire down with zero to minimum loss of life and material as well.
Knowledge of fire extinguishers will ensure maximum chances of survival. Moreover, recognizing the class of fire extinguishers will only help in increasing the chance of effectiveness in taming the fire.
Choose the right type of fire extinguisher for your workplace today, visit the website:
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