How To Use a Fire Extinguisher

Since life is one of the most valuable things in this world, firefighting becomes one of the most essential skills to learn. A fire can occur anywhere, at any place. It can be caused due to multiple reasons and objects, such as candles, electric space, lamps, electric fire, heaters, and other flammable objects.

In recent years, India sadly rated approximately 1.6 million fire accidents with the loss of 27,027 lives. It means that fire is one of the most lethal events that have the capacity to endanger the lives of multiple people.

Many workplaces ensure placing fire extinguishers and train their employees on how to use fire extinguishers to effectively fight the fire and save the day. Learning how to fight a fire can help handle disastrous circumstances and prevent the losses that can cause due to fire.

A small medium enterprise is one of the most vulnerable places prone to catch fire. Hence a fire extinguisher is supposed to be placed at an accessible spot at home.

Fire Extinguisher Use is important to know as they are part of prevention and safety. Here are a few ways to use a fire extinguisher to fight the fire effectively and independently –

Find the nearest fire exit route

One of the most important tasks while you fight the fire, is to find the exit route and an obstruction-free evacuation path. The exit route can be found when placing the fire extinguisher around the house. Considering many exit options and clear paths around the place of the fire extinguisher will be smart, as it will make evacuation easier.

Stand back

While fighting, ensure you are in front of the fire with your back near the identified exit. One should always fight the fire at a distance of around eight to six feet from the embers. Learning to use a fire extinguisher beforehand is essential to help fight the fire confidently.

Fire extinguisher operation

In case the fire becomes very difficult to fight, keep the PASS method in mind. It stands for the following.

  • P: Pull the pin of the fire extinguisher.
  • A: Aim at the fire with the nozzle on the hose toward the bottom of the fire.
  • S: Squeeze the lever or the handle to release the extinguisher.

S: Sweep the nozzle front and back and ensure that the extinguisher is targeted at the source of the fire. Fight the fire till the flames have tamed down.

Be vigilant

Remain watchful of the flames and watch out for the reignition of the fire. If the fire restarts, repeat the PASS procedure.

Call for help

If you couldn’t find the opportunity to douse the fire, phone the local fire department around the area. They will inspect the fire site and ensure the fire has been completely tamed.

In Conclusion.

The CO2 Fire Extinguisher Used For flammable, electrical, and liquid fires save lives. It works with the help of carbon dioxide and extinguishes the fire by replacing oxygen. The carbon dioxide is also considered very cold, and it comes out of the extinguisher as it cools down the fuel. Fire Extinguisher Types And Uses are multiple. They are to be stored safely in offices and corporate organizations and are one of the most essential aspects of building safety.

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