How to choose the Right Ball Valve for Your Business

Did you know the global market of ball valves was about $12.43 billion and is predicted to grow at a CAGR rate of 4.3%? The rising demand for ball valves for a wide range of commercial and industrial purposes has led to the invention of unique designs with multiple feature options.

From research laboratories to chemical processing, pharmaceutical, wastewater management, aerospace, fire stations, gas stations, and nuclear power stations, there is a demand for quality ball valves with variable features that suit their requirements. Know how ball valves play a significant role in offering utility in various sectors.

Use of Ball Valve

Ball valves are the major part of water pipelines during construction, whether it’s for large-scale commercial, industrial, or other usage. Let us explore where these ball valves can be used through the following:

Household Equipment Ball Valves

Ball valves are hugely in demand by businesses for commercial plumbing systems. These ball valves are specially used to allow main water and branch shut-offs during leaks. Ball valves are used as standard water devices for multiple purposes, including washing machines, taps, showers, heaters and more.

Garden Hose Ball Valves

Ball valves are widely applicable for garden hoses. These are designed in a way that can be beneficial in serving multiple purposes. These ball valves are linked with faucets, sprinkler lines, water tools, or garden hoses that help switch on and off the water supply based on requirements. These ball valves are also used on the main water supply to connect the port for taps, water tanks and more. These ball valves are available in different models and can be purchased separately or in combination packs for multiple applications.

For Refrigeration

Ball valves are widely used as shutoff valves for individual air conditioner units, commercial HVAC and refrigeration. This is because the sealing material, design and welding must support a secure construction that matches the desired requirements, such as the operation and working pressure of refrigerators. These valves turn the flow off and on to enable recharge and repair of the refrigerant.

Oil and Gas Industry

In onshore and offshore oil and gas production, people prefer using ball valves and fluid shutoff valves. Also, these ball valves are widely used in fuel gas system-feeding furnaces. This is because they are specifically designed to manage the high-pressure flow of liquid and gases with lesser pressure drop.

Cryogenic Application

These ball valves are specifically designed to function at lower temperatures. The high-quality material and features keep the pipeline away from damage or freezing in cryogenic conditions. Since industries, laboratories and research areas deal with liquified gases to store products and samples, ball valves can be beneficial in supplying liquified gas without leakages. They are used for LNG production, aerospace applications, industrial refrigeration, cultural research and medical laboratories.

Ball Valves for Plants

Ball valves are widely used in water treatment plants, process plants, and power plants to shut off isolating and regulating services. Here, special ball valves, such as butterfly valves, are used for very large-diameter pipelines. They are also used in pharmaceutical, food processing, and chemical plants to control corrosive liquids at minimal pressure and temperatures.

Importance of Ball Valve

Now that we know the applications of ball valves in various sectors, we must be aware of why these ball valves are crucial for all. Here are the reasons:

Quick and Easy Operation

Ball valves are manufactured with a simple design comprising handles and levers that let handle the ball valves conveniently. This enables users to perform quick and easy operations, making ball valves the best choice for regulating rapid shutoffs.

Reliable ShutOff

Ball valves enable users to shut off the flow tightly when fully closed. The spherical ball with a hole aligned appropriately when the flow is off, which does not lead to water, fluid or gas leakage.


Ball valves withstand a wide range of temperature and pressure, making them durable for multiple purposes. These ball valves are typically manufactured with quality materials like stainless steel ball valves, PVC ball valves, brass ball valves, CPVC ball valves and more that resist corrosion and wear.


Ball valves are versatile in nature since they are used for a wide range of gases and fluids. These may include oil, water, steam, corrosive chemicals, cryo chase, and more. These ball valves are used in several industries for multiple purposes, such as water treatment, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, and HVAC.

Fire-Safe Design

There are ball valves specifically designed with fire-safe features, which enable them to be used in fire protection systems and other critical purposes. This means that high temperatures do not affect the ball valve easily.

Low Maintenance

Ball valves do not need higher maintenance and can be functional effectively with minimal care. This is possible due to its simple design, which enables pepper installation and operations that work for longer periods of time without the requirement of regular cleansing, repair or even replacements. This ensures that ball valves are cost-effective for businesses.

Precision Control

Ball valves are specially designed to offer precise control over the flow of gas or fluid. The flow is regulated by a characterised ball or V-port that enables accuracy in flow rates.

Bi-Directional Flow

This is one of the main factors why individuals prefer ball valves. Ball valves are suitable for multiple applications as they support forward and reverse flow applications for any type of fluid or gas.

Reduced Friction

Ball valves are designed in a way that reduces friction. It indicates that the flow of gas or fluid will be smooth without any obstructions. This not only reduces wear but also saves energy and money.

Minimal Pressure Drop

We all know that there is a low-pressure drop in ball valves when they are fully open. This enables users to understand that gas or liquid flow is not entirely restricted. This feature is crucial for high-flow applications.

Install Ball Valves with L&T SuFin

The incompatible, local quality or material that gets corrosive easily in ball valves can be a waste to purchase. Thus, going for high-quality, multiple design options, the best materials, and a unique ball valve price is a saviour that will prevent future regrets. Thus, we recommend SMEs purchase fine-quality ball valves from L&T SuFin as they are the most trusted platform. Here is the reason why:

  • We offer sound choices and high-quality plumbing material
  • We have partnerships with top brands and [provide service for 24*7
  • Here, you will get quality lead generation with KYC-verified buyers
  • Full load/partial load delivery options to over 21,000 codes
  • The most intriguing part is that we offer business loans to purchase bulk items at competitive market rates

Upgrade your Pipelines with high-quality Ball Valves from L&T SuFin. Contact Us Today for a Free Consultation!

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