The Latest Technology in Power Inverters: An Overview

A power inverter helps to turn the direct current (DC) into alternating current (AC) and was introduced for air conditioners. Subsequently, however, power inverters are now widely used for many purposes both in daily life and industry.

One finds the usage of inverters in office appliances, transportation, small electronics, etc. It controls the speed and torque of electric motors. Also, it boosts productivity and saves energy.

Power inverters are now more tech-advanced to cope with the digital age and manufacturers are introducing the latest technologies in inverters. This article sheds light on the latest trends in power inverter technology and the latest types of inverters.

New Trends in Power Inverter Technology:

With the rapid growth of technology, new trends are also beginning to show in the sphere of inverters and which can be summarised into two basic categories:

Expansion of functions:

Inverters were introduced only as DC to AC voltage converters. Further, they became more advanced as PV systems. Now, inverters serve many purposes like running household appliances, energy storage, and communication, among others.

Future trends expect they will be critical to the concept of smart homes and offices as they may control and regulate the loads for energy shifting and distribution.

Reduction of size:

With the expansion of functions, inverters are also expected to be smaller in size. Earlier on portability was an issue for inverters due to their large sizes. Hence, inverters of smaller sizes will be introduced. Compact appearance and lightweight will make them easier to use, particularly during traveling or other outdoor activities.

The Latest Technology Used in Inverters:

With the introduction of the latest technologies, inverters are more efficient and functional. Also, they are easier and safer to use than before. Some of the advanced technologies used in inverters are as follows:

Voltage and frequency sensors:

Recent developments in inverters allow them to sense the changes in voltage and frequency. Thus, smart inverters can now detect grid abnormalities. Then, they can send the feedback to specific utility operators.

More DC Overloading Options:

With this advanced feature, inverters are now capable of handling more loads. And one can use such high-capacity modern power inverters for multiple purposes since they work efficiently without breaking down.

Flexible MPPT Channels:

MPPT, or Maximum Power Point Tracker, affects a machine’s stability. Moreover, it impacts efficiency. Modern power inverters now have flexible MPPT channels making them more stable and effective than ever. Smart inverters are expected to come with more flexibility in these tracker channels.

Fuse-less or In-line fuse options:

Unlike traditional variations, smart inverters come with in-line fuse options. Or, sometimes, even with no fuses. In-line fuse holders are wire-mounted holders and are capable of connecting anywhere along a circuit. Thus, it protects a specific line or lines.

Wireless Communication Systems:

Wireless communication means transferring data and voice without any support from cables or wires. Smart inverters often allow two-way communications with modern utility control centres. Additionally. they provide effective wireless communication systems.

Mobile-friendly Applications:

Mobile-friendly apps are a new-age way to manage inverters. One can control smart inverters through one’s phone. Thus, there’s no stress about managing the inverter when you’re away from it!

All such technologies reduce clipping losses. Also, they provide more generation in kWh than the regular PCUs.

Latest Types of Power inverters in 2023

New trends in inverter technology bring convenience to daily life and industrial operations. With it, experts have introduced various types of customised inverters for specific uses.

Smart Inverters:

Due to the rise of DER or Distributed Energy Resources, the grid has multiple complex issues. To solve these problems, smart inverters are coming into the limelight as they can function autonomously.

Hence, they strongly impact residential sectors and the national power grid. The traditional grid requires regular maintenance. But, smart inverters offer more flexibility and efficiency.

In the near future, arc-fault circuit interrupters may be introduced in smart inverters that can trigger an alarm and disconnect the circuit from the inverter in a second making them ideal for rooftop solar projects because they have multiple troubling arcs.

Micro Inverters:

Micro inverters are now a popular choice for residential and commercial purposes. While regular inverters connect to many panels or solar modules, micro inverters can convert DC into AC through a single module. Additional benefits include low shading, debris, snow lines, etc.

However, even though the initial costs of installing these inverters can be slightly higher than that of central inverters, deploying panels with in-built microinverters can solve this problem to some extent.

Battery-based inverters:

Solar installations need efficient storage systems. Hence, the need for battery-based inverters is growing. Such inverters can convert DC into AC besides providing backup power during a grid outage. It requires a battery bank and one can use it in both grid-connected and off-grid systems.

Final Words:

Modern inverters are easier to use and safer than traditional ones. Also, they are more efficient than conventional ones. Technology has indeed solved many problems with them. However, even advanced technology cannot come to the rescue if you do not buy a high-quality power inverter. So, it is wise to trust a reputed source like L&T-SuFin, a leading online platform for industrial products. Buy your preferred inverter from the wide range offered on the site and also take advantage of the logistics and financial support to make your buying easier.

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