What You Need To Know About MIG Welding Machines

Among the most common Welding Machines used by beginners is the MIG Welding Machine for several reasons. In case you are facing problems associated with welding in your commercial space, we recommend you consider this welding machine. We have listed several reasons in this article and also explained the right way of using these machines. 

Features of MIG Welding Machines

MIG welding or Metal Inert Gas welding is a welding process that utilizes a solid wire electrode fed into the weld pool after continuous heating with the use of a welding gun. Mentioned below are some of the key features of MIG welding machines.


MIG welding machines are manually operated, which means that the operator adjusts the power output and the process manually through I and V controls. 

Burn Back

This feature of MIG welding machines controls the amount of wire that will be left outside the torch once the process is finished. Oftentimes, it is utilized for preventing the wire from sticking to the workpiece after the removal of power. 

Spot Weld Timer

This feature allows the operator to set a certain time for which the machine stays ON during the process. 

Stitch Weld Timer

This feature is utilized together with Spot Weld Timer to control the amount of time for which the machine stays OFF. 

Benefits of Using MIG Welding Machines

There are numerous advantages to using MIG welding machines, some of which are described below.

High Speed

The continuously fed wire means keeping both hands free for welding. This augments the speed of welding, overall control, and weld quality. 


MIG welding machines are highly versatile and are capable of welding an array of alloys and metals, while operating in different manners, like fully automatic and semi-automatic. Such feature makes them popular in industries. The equipment can be used for metals like nickel, magnesium, mild steel, stainless steel, copper, aluminium, iron, and many of their alloys. 

Efficient and Clean

One of the most common issues in construction-related projects is cleanliness. However, you do not have to worry about your commercial space getting dirty if you opt for MIG welding machines. Because it uses a shielding gas for protecting the arc, very few alloying elements are lost during the transfer of metal across the arc. After a small clean-up process, the welders can get back to work in no time. 

Easy to Learn

One of the best things about MIG welding machines is that it is easy to learn. Welders can learn how to operate them within a couple of hours. In fact, some instructors can offer beginner training in less than 30 minutes.

High Productivity

Welders will not be required to continuously clean up, brush the welds repetitively, or change rods. Thus, they can offer a higher productivity rate when using MIG welding machines. 

Correct Way of Using MIG Welding Machines

MIG welding must be done using the proper method to obtain the best results. Mentioned below is the correct way of using MIG welding machines.

Step 1: Understand the Process

Understand the Gas Metal Arc Welding process properly. Learn its working, which involves utilizing the machine to feed wire via a contact tip into the gun. There are numerous ways of metal transfers, such as spray transfer, globular transfer, and short circuits. Finally, comprehend its applications, including the materials it can be used on. 

Step 2: Prepare for the Process

The preparation for welding includes assembling the safety gear such as protective clothing, masks, and gloves, choosing a MIG machine that will serve the purpose of the project, and preparing the area where you are going to perform the process. 

Step 3: Installation of the Wire 

Use the right kind of wire for welding. This means you should use the same material wire as the material you will be welding. Then, prepare the reel, feed the wire to the torch, and finally, make adjustments to the tension. 

Step 4: Make the Weld

Making the weld is a crucial step and should be performed only after a thorough knowledge of the process. From setting the machine’s polarity to DCEP to finishing the weld, all steps must be carefully performed. 

Buy MIG Welding Machines online at L&T-SuFin

MIG welding machines are greatly useful, considering their enormous benefits and features. So if you are planning to purchase the machine for industrial purposes, we recommend you have a look at L&T-SuFin website, where you will have a wide range of options available. Furthermore, their logistics and financial support will make your buying experience easier.  

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