Ultimate Guide on Buying LED Rope Lights

Whether it is adding to the ambience, highlighting architectural features, or getting ready for celebrations and festivals, rope lights offer massive creative freedom. They are extremely versatile and practical for both residential and commercial design and illumination. While rope lights come with myriad aesthetical and functional appeals, LED technology makes them energy-efficient and more durable. 

LED rope lights can complement traditional and contemporary setups equally. That said, there is an impressive variety to meet the design purpose. To help you pick the perfect LED rope lights for your space’s illumination and decorative needs, we have drafted a guide to help you buy the best quality LED rope lights for your various requirements. Read on to learn the art of illumination! 

Understanding the Different Types of LED Rope Lights 

LED rope lights can be of various types in terms of features. From impressive colour variety to brightness adjustment, you will find many products. You can choose from different lengths and dimensions as well. The key is to find the LED rope light of the best quality with the required brightness and temperature

Lumens and Brightness 

Lumens indicate the brightness you can expect from the LED rope lights. The higher the lumens, the more brightness the lights will emit. The product descriptions will mention lumens per meter (or foot). Rope lights offering 450 lumens per foot or 1500 lumens per meter at least are considered good quality. It has the same brightness as a standard T8 fluorescent lamp. 

LED density per meter or foot also requires consideration. It refers to the number of LEDs per meter or foot. The higher the density, the lower the chances of visible dark spots or hotspots in the lights. Rope lights with 120 LEDs per meter or 36 LEDs per foot have high density. It will have the most uniformly distributed lighting effects. On the contrary, a low density of 30 LEDs per meter or 9 LEDs per foot will leave many dark spots. 

Degree of Colour

You have three factors to consider here!

Colour Options

The different types of colour options are:

  • Single-colour or mono LED rope lights
  • Multi-colour LED rope lights
  • Colour-changeable LED rope lights

Colour Temperature

Temperature refers to the warmth and coolness of the lights. Warm lights have a yellowish shade, and cool lights have a bluish tone. How do you verify the temperature? Lights between 2700 and 3000 Kelvin are warm, and between 4000 and 5000 Kelvin are cool. Warm lights create a cosy, comfortable, and homely ambience. These are best for bedrooms, living rooms, dining rooms, reading corners, and such places. In spaces where you want a sharp, contemporary atmosphere or need to concentrate and pay attention to get jobs done, cool lights tick all the boxes. 

Colour Rendering 

Colour rendering shows how what effects the lights have on colours. Lights with a 90+ score on the colour rendering index can render colours accurately. Opting for lights with 100 CRI is ideal, but do not go below 90. 

Length and Dimensions

LED rope lights can be of various lengths, from 5 meters to 50. Needless to say, opt for a big or small length as you require. The width can also differ. If you want to keep the light source out of the side while illuminating the space, go for sleek, thin rope lights. When you want to showcase the lights, go for a bigger size

Voltage and Power Usage

Getting an idea of the power consumption is necessary. Make sure the LED lights and your electrical system are compatible with each other. The voltage can range between 12 Volts and 120 Volts and more. Lights with 120 Volts will be brighter and consume more power than lights with 12 Volts.

120 Volts will be an ideal option to illuminate a place nicely. However, lights with a 12 Volts voltage can still be an option in emergencies or in certain outdoor spaces.

Weatherproof and Waterproof Support

Rain, heat, dust, wind- these all will become influencing factors, regardless of where you are installing the LED rope lights. Having a water-resistant or waterproof feature will safeguard the lights in case of any accidents. The connectors should also be waterproof to ensure a power supply without any mishaps. It should have a high-temperature resistance to deal with extreme hot or cold weather. 

Durability and Quality

The overall design and build of the rope lights must ensure durability. Here are the key factors to remember: 

  • Quality materials like PVC ensure longevity. 
  • The LED lights should be sealed nicely inside the outer layer. It is to ensure they don’t collect dust, debris, or moisture and that their safety and performance are not compromised. 
  • Somewhat flexible lights will be easier to handle without causing any damage to any of the LEDs.
  • The lights should be able to dissipate heat properly to prevent overheating and affecting the brightness. 

Smart and Remote Control Qualities 

The LED rope lights currently available in the market are designed with many remote and smart control features. Here are some features to look forward to!

  • Remote control
  • Mobile app control
  • Compatibility with virtual assistant technologies
  • Dimmable control
  • Automation and scheduling

Guarantee and Client Feedback

Buying any product from a reliable seller who offers a guarantee always provides a certain level of peace of mind. Pick lights with a long-term warranty, allowing you to repair or replace them without costing any money. Have a look at the feedback different clients have provided for the lights to get a practical assessment. 

Light up Your Space with L&T SuFin

L&T SuFin is committed to bringing SMEs and procurement managers a variety of quality lighting solutions. It enables the buying and selling of industrial supplies across India digitally and cost-effectively. L&T SuFin provides:

  • Reliable products
  • Quality lead generation from KYC-verified buyers
  • Seamless online payment methods
  • Full load & part load delivery to more than 21,000 codes across India
  • Market-competitive rates of business loans

Ready to illuminate your space with the best quality LED rope lights? Contact Us today for a free consultation! 

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