All you need to know: Waterproofing Chemicals for Your Roof

Let’s begin with a question: Why should you waterproof your roof?

Waterproofing chemical solutions is essential for ensuring the safety and structural stability of your roof. The building’s longevity will depend hugely on the roof waterproofing as several experts state. You should remember that roofs usually account for a whopping 30% of the surface of the structure in question and hence, you should get it waterproofed suitably for ensuring better safety of the structure from water-seepage-linked damages.

If there is correct waterproofing for any roof, it will lead to an enhancement in the structure’s lifespan, thereby ensuring maximum convenience for all residents of the structure while also scaling up the builder’s reputation. You should look for proper waterproofing with chemical solutions and ideally get it done by experts. This is one aspect where people should not neglect treatment before it is too late to prevent any serious damage or water seepage alike.

Waterproofing Methods for Flat Roof Terraces

The contemporary methodologies for waterproofing with chemical solutions include the following:

Bituminous waterproofing

This is one of the top options for waterproofing with chemical solutions. This is a contemporary method that has bitumen used and it is sticky and viscous alike, enabling better waterproofing not just for roofs, but also the floors. It is also lightweight and easier to fix in case of any issues. The membrane also has comparatively higher flexibility in this scenario. The first step involves the usage of roofing felt which is saturated with the help of bitumen and then applied to the roof. The second step is fixing the same to the surface with fire. There may be other additives used to ensure waterproof bitumen mixtures and greater flexibility in turn.

Liquid Deck Waterproofing

This method is free from several kinds of hassles. It makes use of a hydrophobic liquid that gets strengthened with the help of glass for superior performance and also helps in coating the terrace for combating water accumulation. The liquid is not only easy to use but also cost-effective and flexible. The liquid membrane may have usage across asphalt, concrete, and bitumen, giving it more versatility and a longer life alike.

Acrylic-Based Coatings

Waterproofing with chemical solutions is also effective under this method. The acrylic coating may be applied proportionately to ensure a better and smoother finish and this can be done with a roller. There is higher tensile strength and it is also immune to damage. It is also resistant to UV rays along with combating the growth of mould at the same time. There are no heat procedures required for the rolling mechanism, keeping fire issues at bay. The material is non-toxic and has diverse shades and colours, making it a great option by all means.

Conventional Waterproofing Methods for Terraces

Along with new-age waterproofing with chemical solutions, several traditional systems are still in use widely. These include the following:

Brickbat Coba System

This uses flat bricks on the roof and they are glued with cement and dried. They are then sealed with compounds along with water and cement. The mixture is spread throughout the roof, filling up all the gaps. Water is used for curing for two weeks.

Lime Terracing System

This is not a permanent waterproofing solution although it is widely used even today. At the same time, if there are surface water infections, then the whole process has to be revamped as well.

Waterproofing your roof with waterproofing chemicalsWhat you should also know

  • You should always go for waterproofing if you have a flat and open terrace layout.
  • Whenever inspecting the roof, ensure that you also look for other issues including leakages from water pipes, damp patches for the roof, lack of any outlets for water, lack of any slope, and other internal cracks. Patio and deck waterproofing may also be done whenever it is required.
  • You should invest in a good chemical solution and sealant only after taking professional guidance.
  • Exterior dents and cracks should be repaired immediately without any delays whatsoever.

Buy Water proofing chemicals online at L&T-SuFin

You will find the best waterproofing chemical solutions at L&T-SUFIN along with diverse products in multiple other categories as well. Get finance and logistical support with your purchases, something that naturally ensures maximum convenience for you at all times. You can also read more on waterproofing and other interesting topics from several related categories online. Thus, L&T-SuFin is the ideal place to meet diverse needs under a single roof.

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