AAC Blocks Vs Clay Bricks – What’s the Difference?

Autoclaved Aerated Concrete blocks, abbreviated AAC blocks, are a type of masonry block that comprises a combination of lime, cement, water, quartz sand, and aluminum powder. These bricks are cured in a high-pressure chamber.

Like ordinary red bricks, also known as Clay Bricks, they too are used in the construction of walls, floors, and roofs and offer a host of benefits, both to builders and homeowners.

So, how do the two kinds of bricks differ from each other? In this article, we will understand the difference between ordinary red bricks and AAC blocks accounting for several parameters like Compressive Strength, Durability, Utility and Performance, Workability, and Sustainability.

Tabular Comparison Between Red Bricks and AAC Blocks

Refer to the table below for a quick and short comparison between red bricks and AAC blocks.

Parameter/PropertyRed BricksAAC Blocks
Compressive Strength2.5 to 3.5N/mm2Higher – 3 to 4.5N/mm2
DurabilityLess DurableMore durable due to uniform structure.
Utility/PerformanceHeavy and BulkyThinner, Lightweight and so easy to use.
WorkabilityMore labor costs are involved due to slower constructionFaster construction
Eco-FriendlinessNot eco-friendly as it uses topsoil.Eco-friendly in nature as it utilizes leftover like flash.
AAC Blocks Vs Red Clay Bricks – A comparison of features

Comparing AAC Blocks with Red Bricks

Compressive Strength

Since AAC blocks are manufactured in specialised factories or high-pressure chambers known as claves, the material offers higher compressive strength than ordinary bricks.

AAC blocks provide 3 to 4.5N/mm2 of compressive strength, whereas for Reb Bricks, the value is lower and ranges from 2.5 to 3.5N/mm2.


When it comes it AAC blocks, they have a more uniform structure in comparison to red bricks, which makes the former more durable in nature, which in turn gives more strength to the entire structure. Rid Bricks are brittle which results in heavy wastage during construction.

Plus there are fewer repairs and maintenance involved when it comes to buildings made up of AAC which means builders, as well as developers, can increase the lifespan of the establishment/buildings with AAC.

Utility and Performance

Utility and performance-wise, AAC blocks offer enormous benefits compared to red or clay bricks.

AAC blocks are lightweight means they are easy to carry/use and are helpful especially for high-construction projects. They are also thinner offering more tensile strength which increases the overall carpet area of a project, which makes them effective especially for smaller area projects.

What’s more? AAC blocks are fire resistant offering fire resistance for up to 4 hours, offer better sound insulation of about 42 dB, and have better thermal insulation properties resulting in (25-30)% heating-ventilation costs.

Besides, the AAC blocks are easy to store as they don’t absorb much water compared to red bricks. In fact, they absorb a maximum of 10% water by weight and they are earthquake and pet resistant as well.


Workability implies how easy to handle the ACC blocks are and how easy it’s to construct projects with them.

Since AAC is lighter than red bricks for the same volume and has better tensile strength, the material offers superior workability across all kinds of construction projects plus it also requires less labor which reduces labor costs.

Furthermore, the number of joints is less when using AAC blocks as a single AAC block is almost equal to those 6 traditional red bricks. What this means is that the construction will be now faster and less mortar will now be required.


The final factor to consider AAC blocks over red bricks is the eco-friendliness that the AAC blocks offer.

The Red Bricks are not as eco-friendly as Autoclaved Aerated Concrete Blocks. They’re made up of using topsoil, the removal of which causes soil erosion. You might be surprised to know that a single square foot of red brick walling consumes approximately 25kg of topsoil thereby negatively affecting the environment!

AAC blocks, on the other hand, have fly ash as one of their ingredients. Flyash is a waste by-product of the thermal power plant and is usually non-toxic in nature. And the manufacturing of AAC blocks also doesn’t release any significant pollutants into the atmosphere.


Compared to traditional red bricks, the newer and innovative AAC blocks have many advantages to offer in all respects – Compressive Strength, Durability, Utility and Performance, Workability, and Sustainability.

One may argue taking the price is a negative factor for AAC blocks, as the cost of AAC is slightly higher than its counterpart, red bricks. But considering the long-term scenario, the positives of AAC outweigh its negatives, making it a perfect choice for construction projects.

Buy Best-Quality AAC Blocks on L&T-SuFin

Are you a supplier looking to buy the best-quality AAC blocks in India? Look no further!

L&T-SuFin is a leading B2B e-commerce platform offering a wide variety of construction-related items, including AAC Blocks from top-rated brands. Furthermore, we also offer logistics and warranty support for all our products listed online to provide a hassle-free buying experience for our customers.

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