How to Find the Best Transformer Oil for Your Needs

Whether it is a high-voltage capacitor, fluorescent light or any high-power circuit breaker, using a high-quality transformer oil helps in many ways. On the one hand, it insulates, while on the other, it works as a coolant. With its dielectric strength higher than air, it works well as an insulator, while also dissipating heat to cool the transformer to ensure its normal functionality.

Anyways, not all transformer oils are the same. You must buy one that is high-quality and serves your purpose well. So, if you are worried about how to find them, this article will guide you on the issue.

How to find best Transformer Oil

However, first, you need to know why you require transformer oils, their types and individual features

Do you need transformer oil?

Transformer oils are required for three major purposes. They are

Insulation: Transformer oil is known for its high dielectric strength. Thus, the insulating component is submerged in water, which improves the insulation power, protecting it against moisture.

Arc suppression: Transformer oil has good thermal conductivity. It can separate a huge amount of gas under the action of the arc’s high temperature. Thus, it generates high pressure. Finally, it improves the arc extinguishing performance of the medium. Thus, the arc is quickly put out.

Heat Dissipation: Another usage of transformer oil is heat dissipation. The heat produced during the transformer operation brings the oil close to the iron core and windings. Thus, the whole machinery is heated and expanded widely.

Then, the heat is dissipated through the radiator due to the upper and lower convection of the oil. Thus, it makes sure that the transformer works normally.

Different Types of Transformer Oils: Uses and Features

As you are here to find the best transformer oil, you must learn the types available in 2023. So, let’s discuss it, including its features and usage.

The two main types of transformer oils are there that are based on mineral oils- Naphthenic and Paraffinic. While Naphthenic is made of crude oil with a low amount of wax, the other type is made of crude oil that comes with a standard wax amount.

For ages, naphthenic transformer oil has been the standard for industrial use. With its low pour point, the crude in this oil makes a good base for transformer oil. Refined naphthenic mineral oils can ensure the smooth and safe operation of different appliances like transformers, circuit breakers, switchgear, and rectifiers.

Anyways, although naphthenic oil ensures many benefits, there is enough scope for improvement in it. So, paraffinic oil came into the limelight. The paraffinic crude is more stable and has less chance of being oxidised.

Also, its higher flash point and lower volatility go beyond the ASMI specifications, which are created to prevent overheating. Thus, it keeps transformers’ performance smooth and their users safe.

There are other alternatives for mineral oils like Pentaerythritol tetra fatty acid natural and synthetic esters. These alternatives are often used in areas with high fire risks, like indoors. After all, mineral oils are prone to cause fire hazards.

Which One Should You Choose?

Naphthenic oil has certain advantages. Among them, the primary one is its very low pour point, making it ideal for use in cold weather. However, the major drawback is its oxidation stability issue.

You can get the stability advantage in paraffinic transformer oil. To gain this stability advantage, it must be well-refined. Thus, it can achieve the required pour point for your requirements.

So, depending on your requirement, you can choose the type of transformer oil and use it accordingly. However, for areas with high fire risks, try to buy mineral oil alternatives.

How can L&T SuFin help?

While deciding on the right type of oil, you should also check its quality through an appropriate oil testing procedure. For professional and expert guidance, check out L&T-SuFin website which offers a variety of high-quality transformer oils along with logistics and financial support and cheaper prices.

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